Friday, February 1, 2008

"It'll weed out those who are doing it for the $$." part 2

My hide is still a little chapped by this comment and I've been giving it some thought over the last couple days.

How much money would it take to get people to foster "for the money?" Seriously. Let's say someone wants to earn some money and they're looking for a job, how much would it take to get someone to look at fostering as a money-making enterprise?

You have to be on-duty 24/7. That makes roughly 720 billable hours a month. At a minimum wage of $7.50 that's $5400 a month gross. I don't know anyone receiving that kind of money.
Then factor in the loss of privacy (your home becomes a "facility"), missed work time because of appointments, the loss of any kind of a social life, being assaulted, court proceedings, having your house trashed, and general stress.

Please. No one is doing this for the money.

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